informational interview

Discovering My Future Through the Reboot Plus Program

Discovering My Future Through the Reboot Plus Program

My High School Journey My high school journey has been quite a ride. I started High School in Richmond, BC, and after one year, moved to New Westminster to complete school here. In Richmond, I was more concerned with being socially active than academics. I had just...

Navigating a Non-linear Career Path: Insights from a Photographer

Navigating a Non-linear Career Path: Insights from a Photographer

Chris Wright has volunteered his time and expertise to the participants of the Reboot Plus program, offering informational interviews to youth. He is a professional photographer based out of Burnaby, BC. He specializes in commercial, portraits, events, abstract, and...

Helping Youth Find a Meaningful Career Path in Langley

Helping Youth Find a Meaningful Career Path in Langley

“Education is a business issue.  Without an educated workforce, businesses won’t be able to thrive and succeed in the future." The Langleys are the fastest growing communities of the Lower Mainland. According to the Statistics Canada Census, Langley grew at a rate of...

A Student’s Journey to Knowing Their Self

A Student’s Journey to Knowing Their Self

The biggest benefit of the Reboot Plus program is the confidence it gave me. A Lucky Encounter I found out about the Reboot Plus program through a family friend who has connections with the program. I wasn’t in a great place. I didn’t have any aspirations or goals. I...

Reboot Plus is Expanding Education in Surrey High-schools

Reboot Plus is Expanding Education in Surrey High-schools

Reboot Plus, a program is designed to re-engage youth, who are not finished or not on track to graduate from high school, in their education and career development. This program aims to re-engage at-risk youth in education and career development by providing them...

A Student’s Self-Discovery Journey in the Reboot Plus Program

A Student’s Self-Discovery Journey in the Reboot Plus Program

I started the Reboot Plus program in January. I was wrapping up my last semester of high school and had no idea what my future direction looked like. I thought I would simply graduate and figure out next steps at a later point. I am happy that I was in the program to...

Six Ways Reboot Plus has Helped Me Solidify My Future Plans

Six Ways Reboot Plus has Helped Me Solidify My Future Plans

How I discovered Reboot Plus My high school teacher signed me up for this program. I had a spare block, and she thought it would be a good idea for me to use my time exploring life after graduation. It has helped because I’ve gotten connections to computer software...