Discovering My Future Through the Reboot Plus Program

My High School Journey

My high school journey has been quite a ride. I started High School in Richmond, BC, and after one year, moved to New Westminster to complete school here. In Richmond, I was more concerned with being socially active than academics. I had just moved to a new province and a new school and was trying hard to connect with other students. I was socially active but struggled academically. I was in I was finding it hard to connect with my teachers.

Once COVID put schools into lockdown, I moved to New Westminster to join the SIGMA program so I could continue to focus on my academics. This has flexible programming, smaller class sizes, and continuous enrollment with a wide variety of courses in preparation for Grade 12 graduation. I was able to get back into a normal school routine and helped me focus on my academics. I was able to get back on track with my high school credits and am now on track to graduate and have a smoother transition to post-secondary opportunities.

Reflections on High School

If I could change anything about my high school experience, I’d spend less time being passive and aimless. I used to see school as a series of hoops to jump through for that eventual degree. Now, I wish I had put in more effort, gone that extra mile, and achieved even better results.

About Me

Outside of school, I love swimming, and I’m excited to start a plumbing apprenticeship next semester at New Westminster Secondary School (NWSS). This journey has been shaped by my time in the SIGMA program and the Reboot Plus program.

Discovering Reboot Plus

The SIGMA program introduced me to various opportunities, including the Reboot Plus program, thanks to a great youth worker, Sara. She connected us with valuable experiences like Food Safe Level 1, First Aid Level 1, and presentations on employment and volunteer opportunities. She is great at bringing opportunities to us. She was the one who brought the Reboot Plus to our attention.

Learning Experiences

In Reboot Plus, both Caroline and Sahar made learning fun and impactful. While some course materials were familiar to me, others, like the skills inventory, industry research, and education exploration, were impactful. These topics helped me gain a clearer understanding of the paths available to reach my goals.

An “Aha” Moment

An “aha” moment for me was touring Simon Fraser University and BCIT. These visits gave me an eye-opening experience of what college life is like. I gained a better understanding of why student debt is so prominent.

Informational Interview

One of the highlights was an informational interview with a mechanical engineer and founder of a design firm. This professional worked extensively with large, multi-million-dollar companies Our hour-long conversation was great. I learned of this person’s career journey and gained insight into the importance of education in engineering. He offered me clarity of what a career in engineering would look like.  inspiration. I gained a lot from speaking with him.

Navigating My Future

The Reboot Plus program helped me fine-tune the paths and tools I need to reach my goals. Before high school, I had a basic plan for my post-secondary journey. Reboot Plus helped me understand  more specifically my career and education plans, particularly through skills, education, and career exploration.

Next Steps

I am starting a plumbing apprenticeship at NWSS and aiming for my Red Seal certification. I hope to travel and  work abroad. I would like to use travel to cut costs, and to explore while I’m still young. I have thought about moving to a European country.  I hear they are recruiting to get new citizens to move there and I hear the cost of living is a lot more affordable. I know these are my next steps, which is great. I’m still young and I’ll define myself as I move forward.

With funding from the Government of Canada’s Future Skills Centre, we are examining whether a hope-centred education and career development program can help youth find their purpose. Students in our program are vulnerable youth aged 17 to 24 who have not finished high school and do not have a plan for their future. Our 16-week program helps participants identify their values, personality, interests and skills, meet with professionals and develop an education and career action plan.

Le projet Reboot Plus est financé par le Centre des Compétences futures du gouvernement du Canada.