
4 ways you can support Gen Z entering the workforce

4 ways you can support Gen Z entering the workforce

The difficulties in attracting and retaining workers in Canada will be a struggle for a while. We need to consider ways we can adapt to the needs of the upcoming generation of workers. Moving forward in business will depend on this. Through a few cycles of the Reboot...

Burnaby businesses broaden recruitment strategies

Burnaby businesses broaden recruitment strategies

The Burnaby Board of Trade partnered with the Reboot Plus program “Common across all sectors in Burnaby is the challenge of finding and acquiring talent. Our businesses are growing at a significant rate yet it’s a challenge to fill the roles. We’re looking for...

How Reboot Plus Helps Youth Reach their Potential

How Reboot Plus Helps Youth Reach their Potential

 "What do you want to be when you grow up?” As a teen in high school, this question can cause anxiety about the future. Especially if you’re disengaged and unsure as to why you’re even in school. A young person knows only a limited number of job titles, yet, if you...

Reboot Plus Ready to Launch in Calgary

Reboot Plus Ready to Launch in Calgary

Bow Valley College and the Calgary Chamber of Commerce Join Forces to Introduce Innovative Youth Labour Market Program An innovative youth program is expanding to Calgary, Alberta thanks to a partnership between Bow Valley College, Douglas College, PEERs Employment...

The Ingredients to Success with the Reboot Plus Program

The Ingredients to Success with the Reboot Plus Program

“The students entering this program are some of the most self-aware students I have ever met. They really want the opportunity to be a part of their community. We have to give them hope and let them know they are important and that they are valued and they are cared...

How Reboot Plus Bridges High School Students into Post-Secondary

How Reboot Plus Bridges High School Students into Post-Secondary

“The cool factor of being able to go to college provided significant buy-in and engagement for my students." Adam Outhwaite is a Careers Teacher with the New Westminster School District. His school Administrator introduced him to the Reboot Plus program offered...

Reboot Plus is Expanding Education in Surrey High-schools

Reboot Plus is Expanding Education in Surrey High-schools

Reboot Plus, a program is designed to re-engage youth, who are not finished or not on track to graduate from high school, in their education and career development. This program aims to re-engage at-risk youth in education and career development by providing them...

A Professional Infuses Youth With Hope

A Professional Infuses Youth With Hope

The Reboot Plus Program offers an alternative path for students who are not on track to graduate from high school. Working to reengage students in education and skills development, the program supports them to explore their interests and abilities and matching...