
The Role of Alternative Education in Canada’s Future

The Role of Alternative Education in Canada’s Future

Canada faces multiple crises in climate, healthcare, labor, immigration, and democracy. These challenges show a need for comprehensive, integrated strategies rather than fragmented, short-term responses. Every single person matters in this economy. Sustainable...

Surviving Economic Shocks: How Reboot Plus Can Help Canadian Youth

Surviving Economic Shocks: How Reboot Plus Can Help Canadian Youth

Understanding Economic Shocks and their Impact on Canadian Youth Economic downturns can wreak havoc on lives, especially for young Canadians entering the job market. This impact isn't just immediate; it can leave lasting scars known as "labour market scarring." Recent...

Helping Young People Find their Career Path

Helping Young People Find their Career Path

“I have taught several youth programs. This has been one of the most challenging and rewarding groups of youth I have worked with.” Devonne Sitzer is the Facilitator of the Reboot Plus program offered through Ontario’s Humber College. Disadvantaged Student Populations...

Burnaby businesses broaden recruitment strategies

Burnaby businesses broaden recruitment strategies

The Burnaby Board of Trade partnered with the Reboot Plus program “Common across all sectors in Burnaby is the challenge of finding and acquiring talent. Our businesses are growing at a significant rate yet it’s a challenge to fill the roles. We’re looking for...

Helping Youth Find a Meaningful Career Path in Langley

Helping Youth Find a Meaningful Career Path in Langley

“Education is a business issue.  Without an educated workforce, businesses won’t be able to thrive and succeed in the future." The Langleys are the fastest growing communities of the Lower Mainland. According to the Statistics Canada Census, Langley grew at a rate of...