mental health

Surviving Economic Shocks: How Reboot Plus Can Help Canadian Youth

Surviving Economic Shocks: How Reboot Plus Can Help Canadian Youth

Understanding Economic Shocks and their Impact on Canadian Youth Economic downturns can wreak havoc on lives, especially for young Canadians entering the job market. This impact isn't just immediate; it can leave lasting scars known as "labour market scarring." Recent...

4 ways you can support Gen Z entering the workforce

4 ways you can support Gen Z entering the workforce

The difficulties in attracting and retaining workers in Canada will be a struggle for a while. We need to consider ways we can adapt to the needs of the upcoming generation of workers. Moving forward in business will depend on this. Through a few cycles of the Reboot...

The Ingredients to Success with the Reboot Plus Program

The Ingredients to Success with the Reboot Plus Program

“The students entering this program are some of the most self-aware students I have ever met. They really want the opportunity to be a part of their community. We have to give them hope and let them know they are important and that they are valued and they are cared...