“Nothing lasts forever, and things can change if you want them too.”
A recent graduate of the Reboot Plus program shares their journey to discovering their career aspirations.
The High School Experience Isn’t for Everyone
“In Grade 9 I started skipping class a lot because I hated school so much. I never liked the academic part of school, and on top of that I didn’t like my friends. I made friends easily but quickly grew away from them. I worked really hard trying to convince my teachers to let me change schools and I finally got a reference to an alternative high school in grade 11.
I started high school not knowing anyone, so I started off a with a clean slate. I moved there mid-year, and I really enjoyed it. I’ve gotten better grades than I ever have and my learning needs are met every day. I enjoy the academic part of school now and I realize that the environment and people I was surrounded by affected me heavily.
Alternative Options Help Youth Thrive
My teachers told me about the Reboot Plus program. They thought I’d enjoy it, which I did. When I entered the program, I had no idea what I wanted to do. It was really frustrating to have no idea about what kind of job I wanted to do. Throughout the course, I learned more about myself: what I liked, and what I didn’t like. This helped me figure out options I have for my future career. My teacher Caroline helped connect me to someone in the Medical Esthetics industry, so I could see if it was the right fit.
Professionals Can Help Youth Understand Careers
While in the program, I only did one informational interview, as my teachers found it hard to find people that do work in the profession I was interested in: Medical Esthetics. The interview was very beneficial. It gave me a reality check and the chance to hear about someone’s experience was really helpful. I was inspired to investigate different professions within Medical Esthetics and it helped me decide what I wanted to do.
Hope Blooms With the Right Information
I have been admitted to Blanche Macdonald to study Medical Esthetics and will start this program in July of 2023. I plan to stay in the top 70% of my class there. When I finish my one-year program, I would like to work at a high-end spa for about a year and then go work at a luxury resort somewhere tropical. I have yet to decide what tropical place I would like to live in, but I am excited about the plan. I’d like to have my own luxury spa in downtown Vancouver in my mid-twenties. I don’t have any further plans yet, as I like to let life roll out instead of plan it all out too far ahead of time. Things can change and I enjoy change.
Students Thrive with the Right Supports
I am really thankful for the experience I had in the Reboot Plus program. The staff were able to adjust to the pace that students learn at but managed to help us get work done at the same time. The coursework done in class helped me move forward. I know this program isn’t for everyone; it wouldn’t be beneficial if you didn’t agree with some of the coursework. I think you have to want to find some guidance when it comes to your future plans to enjoy this course.
The Journey is Easier With the Right Information
My advice to other students is: take your time and don’t worry about the future too much. You’re young. It’s honestly kind of weird to know what you want to do for the rest of your life. I’m surprised I figured it out. Take a gap year to do whatever you like and, in that time, try to take something you enjoy and turn it into something you can make money off of. It’s a stereotypical thing to say but it’s true. Just take your time and don’t feel rushed. The average person changes their career 5 times in their life. The right thing will come to you at the right time.”
Reboot Plus is a youth education and career development program delivered in partnership by Douglas College and PEERs Employment and Education Resources, with expansion to Bow Valley College, Fanshawe College, Humber College, and College of the North Atlantic.
Participants are vulnerable youth aged 17 to 24 who have not finished high school and do not have a plan for their future. The 16-week program helps participants identify their values, personality, interests and skills, meet with professionals and develop an education and career action plan.
The Reboot Plus project is funded by the Government of Canada’s Future Skills Centre.
Le projet Reboot Plus est financé par le Centre des Compétences futures du gouvernement du Canada.